
Showing posts from August, 2016

Are we really free?

Folks,     Congratulations of 70 th Independence day. This day reminds us, when we got freedom from British rule but does it remind us why were we in slavery? And that for a very long period? What went wrong that only thousands of British were able to rule Crores of Indians? Did we make some mistakes or today while celebrating our freedom, are we aware of our mistakes in past? Do we have some measures not to repeat those?    These questions may seem naïve but answers are not that easy. When we were first attacked by British, India was a superpower; not only in terms of wealth but in education and knowledge as well. British rulers analysed situation then and concluded that if they have to rule India and for a longer time then they had to follow 3 principles (principle may be a wrong word for such deeds)- 1)Destroy Indian education system from roots 2)Ensure that people keep fighting with each other on basis of -caste/creed/religion/power/wealth 3)Utilize tolera